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Urban Mobilities in Literature and Art Activism
Edited by Patricia García and Anna-Lena Toivanen (Palgrave Macmillan, 2024)

This book explores the entwinement of mobility and immobility in urban spaces by focusing on their representation in literary narratives but also in visual and performing arts. Across a range of geographical contexts, it builds on the new mobilities paradigm developed by literary scholars, sociologists and human geographers. The different chapters employ a cohesive framework that is sensitive to the intersecting dimensions of power and discrimination that shape urban kinetic features. The contributions are divided into three sections, each of which places the focus on a different aspect of urban mobility: Itinerant Subjects, Modes of Transport and Places of Transit, and Urban Liminalities.

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Urban Undergrounds: Contemporary Literary and Cultural Perspectives
Edited by Patricia García and David Pike (Routledge 2025)

Edited volume with selected contributions from the Underground Imaginaries 2023 conference, with a focus on literary and cultural Urban Studies.


Imaginarios subterráneos en las artes y literaturas de ámbito hispánico (1975-2023)
Edited by Albert Jornet and Anna Boccuti (Special Issue, Pasavento
, forthcoming 2024)
Tal vez porque las profundidades geológicas preexisten a la existencia humana y la posibilitan, la mayoría de tradiciones socioculturales han proyectado en ellas las fuerzas telúricas de la vida y la muerte. Por su condición de límite, pues, cualquier conceptualización del subsuelo parece necesitar desplegar una serie de binarismos como los de superficie/núcleo, arriba/abajo, vida/muerte, visibilidad/invisibilidad, humano/no-humano, etc. Sin embargo, lo subterráneo no deja de ser a la vez una zona fronteriza, de ocultación y penumbra, donde lo no visto y lo imaginado pueden conjurarse y conjugarse, donde la noche interpela a lo reprimido, donde pueden llevarse a cabo prácticas clandestinas tanto abyectas como subversivas, así como se puede experimentar con nuevos afectos y vínculos antinormativos. [...]


Sexual Imaginaries of the Literary Underground
Edited by Jean-Philippe Imbert and Olga Springer (Special Issue, Literary Geographies
, forthcoming 2025)
The proposed special issue of Literary Geographies will bring together Literary Studies, Gender/Sexuality Studies and geographies of the underground. The idea for this publication stems from the recent "Underground Imaginaries" conference organised by the European Society of Comparative Literature/Société Européenne de Littérature Comparée (ESCL/SELC), in conjunction with the research networks Fringe Urban Narratives and EROSS: Expressions, Research Orientations – Sexuality Studies.

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