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Associated Groups

ANTIARQ is an association oriented towards the production of interdisciplinary knowledge combining Anthropology and Architecture. The links between these two disciplines facilitates the analysis of built environments and urban sociability in order to explore the contradictions of the neoliberal city.

FRINGE contact person: Gabriela Navas

The ASCA Cities Project is a collaborative research initiative based at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis at the University of Amsterdam. The project brings together a diverse group of scholars, research students, and practitioners who are interested in the comparative, interdisciplinary analysis of cities.

FRINGE contact person: Carolyn Birdsall

EROSS is a DCU-based research group aimed at investigating in an open fashion the varied processes and variations in sexual cultures, sexual identities and gender role formation.

FRINGE contact person: Jean-Philippe Imbert

Placemaking is understood here as the place-related identity of the urban citizens and their collective re-imagination and reinvention of the spaces (Pierce, Martin, Murphy: 2010), the understanding of knowledge production includes all forms of citizens’ knowledge connected to place and placemaking.

FRINGE contact person: Zsuzsanna Varga

The European Society of Comparative Literature/Société Européenne de Littérature Comparée ESCL/SELC is an association that has been actively promoting CompLit since 2003.

FRINGE contact person: Zsuzsanna Varga, Patricia García

El GEF estudia lo fantástico en todas sus manifestaciones (narrativa, teatro, cine, cómic, TV y videojuegos) desde una perspectiva multidisciplinar, que incluye la teoría de la literatura, la literatura comparada, la crítica la historia literaria, los estudios audiovisuales, la historia y la teoría de la representación teatral, la teoría de videojuegos, los estudios sobre cibercultura, la filosofía o la estética.

FRINGE contact person: David Roas

Promueve el desarrollo y la difusión de la investigación en historia y crítica de la literatura contemporánea y apoyar y coordinar los trabajos que se llevan a cabo.

FRINGE contact person: Ana Casas

Sus objetivos primarios están relacionados con el estudio teórico y crítico de los géneros literarios no miméticos y de manifestaciones artísticas desde los presupuestos de análisis de los estudios de género, ecofeminismo, ecocrítica y justicia ambiental, incluyendo en ambos casos una perspectiva multidisciplinar y comparatista.

Proyecto I+D Estrategias y figuraciones de lo Insólito

FRINGE contact person: Natalia Álvarez Méndez

Founded in 1982, the IAFA is a nonprofit association of scholars, writers, and publishers of science fiction, fantasy, and horror in literature, film, and the other arts. Its purpose is to promote and recognize achievement in the study of the fantastic.

FRINGE contact person: Dale Knickerbocker


lautrefiction donne la parole aux oublié.e.s et favorise leur intégration
lautrefiction coordonne des ateliers d’échanges et de création 
lautrefiction encourage une intelligence sociale par le rapprochement des publics

FRINGE contact person: Jean-Philippe Imbert 

A new open access academic journal led by the University of Calabria and dedicated to the study of geographical borderlands and cultural fringes.

FRINGE contact person: Bruna Mancini

This research group consists of scholars dealing with literature, linguistics, area and cultural studies interested in migration, real and metaphorical borders, and how these phenomena shape the individual and collective identity of the subjects involved.

FRINGE contact person: Johan Schimanski

This research group consists of scholars dealing with literature, linguistics, area and cultural studies interested in migration, real and metaphorical borders, and how these phenomena shape the individual and collective identity of the subjects involved.

FRINGE contact person: Johan Schimanski

MOHU (Centre for Advanced Studies in Mobility and the Humanities of the University of Padua, Italy) develops interdisciplinary research about the mobilities of people, objects, ideas and texts in past and present societies. Drawing from a rich and unique mix of disciplines, the MoHu Centre aims to contribute original work to an emerging area of interest that is increasingly examined by other research hubs worldwide. MOHU hosts the postdoctoral project "DeterTour" (funded by DiSSGeA), about the containment of tourist mobilities through urban policies, materialities and narratives of deterrence.

FRINGE contact person: Tania Rossetto

NOMAOS research collective

The Urban Night is an interdisciplinary, inter-university research project concerned with the nocturnal life of cities.  This project was supported in its initial phases by an Insight Development Grant  from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

FRINGE contact person: Will Straw

The research collective NOMAOS is a cross-disciplinary group of architects, artists, illustrators, designers, urbanists and writers based in the Netherlands, Russia and the UK. Since 2019, through their project 'What Do Landscapes Say?’, Nomaos sought out encounters with places both in Russia and the Netherlands and explore how art and critical artistic research might inform the development of diverse urban environments through looking at landscapes. 

FRINGE contact person: Yue Mao

FRINGE is funded by the Ramón y Cajal research programme 
(RYC2018-024370-I, Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Spain + European Social Fund)


CC 2021

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